Friday 19 February 2010

College ILT Project Updates

As part of our approach to the new build, we have been experimenting with new technologies, undertaking a series of innovative projects, including:

• Dance lecturers have been using Flip videos to record clips during their lessons as a formative assessment tool and to provide feedback to help learners to improve their technique and performance. The video clips are then uploaded onto moodle so the learners can access them at anytime and assess their progress. The learners have a greater level of reflection and awareness of their dance performance as a result.

• The ITQ team have been using Flip videos to record students at their computers as evidence of competence in performing specific tasks. These clips are then downloaded and made available to the external verifier.

• Built environment students have been using Second Life to practise designing and constructing a 3D model of a building. They are rehearsing strategies and techniques that they will use in the industry.

• Springboard students have just started using Brain Train on the Nintendo DS.

The two Flip video projects have been featured on the excellence gateway, a national database of good practice. You can see it on their website here.

The Flip videos, along with the Second Life project, have been nominated for JISC Hi5 awards, which recognise the many individuals and teams throughout the South East region who are spearheading the development and effective use of technology to enhance teaching and learning.

1 comment:

  1. West Kent College a place on the doorstep when I lived in Tunbridge Wells and conducted my teacher training in Orpington. With the regeneration budget for new buildings, that will be combined with new technologies and teaching practices, such as Second Life. The next stage of West Kent College should be good for students, although top class lecturers will always be hard to retain in Kent.


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