Thursday 4 February 2010

Apprentice Profile: Shaunna Burke

Name: Shaunna Burke

Position/title at College: North Farm College Admin Apprentice

What does your position involve? I am responsible for ensuring all administration issues are covered, such as supporting all members of staff with any paperwork, databases, writing letters to students and phoning students to inform them of any changes at North Farm. I support tutors with their Moodle pages when required. Also help with resourcing, stationery and MFPs.

Why did you choose an apprenticeship and what benefits will it give you in the future? I chose to accept the apprenticeship as I thought it would be a good experience to gain knowledge which I could use in future roles.

Why did you choose West Kent College for your apprenticeship? The College approached me whilst I was studying at Anatomy & Physiology and Body Massage at West Kent College.

What have you learnt since starting your apprenticeship at West Kent College? While on this apprenticeship I have learnt how to use the College software efficiently, learnt how this organisation is run and its procedures together with advanced knowledge of ICT and MFP. I have learnt how to set up workable systems for North Farm staff. Also having extensive knowledge of Moodle to help and support not only teaching staff but also senior members of North Farm including the IT and Electronics department. I have also been given the opportunity to work closely with the executive team as cover Pas, which I thoroughly enjoyed. My personal development has included safeguarding and equality and diversity. I have also become a dedicated fire marshal for North Farm. During my time at North Farm I have learnt basic painting when helping to decorate classrooms during the summer, which was different and fun. I have also taken part in team building events at North Farm.

What do you plan to do after your apprenticeship finishes? Hopefully I will be offered a permanent job at North Farm, if not I shall try finding a job with my new qualifications.

My dream job would be? My dream job is to be a sports therapist for the England rugby team or the Army, although after working in an educational establishment I wouldn’t mind becoming a teacher or classroom assistant.

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