Friday 5 February 2010

Apprentice Profile: Tom Stead

This is the last of our apprentice profiles in conjunction with Apprenticeship Week 2010.

Name: Tom Stead

Position/title at College: Finance Assistant

What does your position involve? My position in Finance is quite varied. I deal with issues such as inputting invoices and credit notes, checking statements, contacting suppliers, inputting and sending out cheques to suppliers and students, placing online orders for staff members and any other jobs that I am asked to do on a daily basis.

Why did you choose an apprenticeship and what benefits will it give you in the future? I chose to do an apprenticeship because I can study and learn the information that I need from my classes and then put this knowledge into practice with my everyday work. Furthermore, when I finish my qualification, I can prove to future employees that not only am I qualified with certificates but I also have a good work-based knowledge which I can apply to any new job roles that I apply for. Also, by doing an apprenticeship I get to earn money as well as gain a qualification.

Why did you choose West Kent College for your apprenticeship? I chose to do my apprenticeship with West Kent College mainly because I have good knowledge of the College due to many of my friends either currently studying here or have studied here. Also, the College is the closest one to me.

What have you learnt since starting your apprenticeship at West Kent College? I have learnt a great deal since joining the College. When I first joined I did an ITQ NVQ IT Users course which is to do with computer techniques and how to use different systems, so I now feel vastly more competent when completing tasks on the computer. Also, nowadays employers like employees to have good computer skills which is mainly why I chose the course. After completing this I moved into the Finance team where I am currently studying for my AAT qualification. I haven’t been on the course for a very long time, but due to putting what I have learnt into practice, I now have a good knowledge on how accounting is carried out and how accounting systems work.

What do you plan to do after your apprenticeship finishes? When I finish my apprenticeship with Finance I would like to move into a firm of accountants either for a small private company or a large company. I would like to do this so I can get a large amount of knowledge on how the financial side of a business works so that when I feel I am stable enough I can start and run my own business successfully.

My dream job would be? Sounds silly but I would love to be a professional motorbike rider.

Thanks Tom. To find out more about the Apprenticeship schemes at West Kent College, have a look here.

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